The category

Remarks 2011

Remarks 2012


“I’m not clear how these tools are relevant for me”; “I’m not sure how I can use this tool”.

“There is practical use of the tool for the lesson syllabus that we use in our practical experience”

Computer systems and infrastructure in the college

“The computers in this room are old, most of them do not function properly”.

Course methods

“More homogeneous groups”; “to alter the content”; “to try to transmit the lesson practically”; “to prepare it in a manner that will teach us in more depth about teaching and thinking”; “the exercises delivered in class are unclear to me”.

“A good course”; “the lesson procedure was very good, should not be changed”; “the course was experiential, interesting and contributes much”; “an interesting course, develops thinking”; “students’ presentations contribute to general knowledge and the feedback makes the learning more practical”.

Timing of the course in the training process

“To refresh the course requirements and its purpose for me”; “I’m not sure what the course contributes to my future as a teacher”.

“The course was suitable for the stage where we were, so that it was important to take it”.

Suitability for early childhood trainees

“The course should have a stronger connection with the discipline. I’m unclear how this course connects to my stream”; “I’m not sure what the course’s goal is”.

“It should be clearer how it will help me in the future as a teacher”; “in my opinion the course does not contribute to my training as a kindergarten teacher”.

Lecturer quality

“I feel that the content itself is really stretched out and continues without reason in order to fill the lesson, not only with this lecturer”.

“Its advisable to keep the lecturer”; “the lecturer is very professional”; “the lecturer was fascinating and good”; “the teacher was excellent ,we learnt a lot from her”; “he makes us think outside the box”.


“It should become a one-semester course”; “it’s a superfluous course”; “the course could be concentrated in two lessons”.